health professionals and researchersSubir un nivel
- VirDoc - Virgil Doctor Online Consultation por Thomas Müller — Última modificación 19-05-2006 20:47
- The VirGil project aims to integrate and coordinate the activities of physicians and scientists from many institutions in 14 European countries in order to combat current and emerging antiviral drug resistance developments. The joint effort is initially directed towards three major infectious diseases: influenza and viral Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. One of the members of VirGil, LiverDoc, has developed a unique online consultation service called VirDoc: Viral Resistance Doctor Online Consultation. This service allows you as a physician to consult hepatology experts about chronic hepatitis B patients that experience antiviral drug resistance. VirDoc is currently available for Virgil’s members for trial purposes.
- Regulatory and ethical issues on the exchange of residual tissue for research acrosse Europe por virgil editor — Última modificación 06-12-2006 17:16
- Article co-written by a Virgil member, Evert Ben Van Veen from Medlawconsult. The Virgil expert in Law and Regulations in cooperative medical research across Europe. www.medlaw.nl
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